For the longest time, scissors have been a staple of the home or office. Whether it's for cutting paper or fabric, there is no substitute for having a pair of reliable scissors. But with the advent of electric scissors, which should you choose? This blog will explore the pros and cons of both electric and manual scissors to help you decide which one is best for your needs.

1. Introduction: What are electric and manual scissors?

Electric and manual scissors are two types of cutting tools that have distinct uses. Electric scissors are powered by electricity and use an electric motor to operate, while manual scissors rely on physical force to cut materials. Electric scissors provide more power than manual scissors, making them ideal for tasks that require faster speeds or more intricate designs. Manual scissors are better suited for lighter-duty tasks like fabric cutting or trimming paper. 

Both types of scissors can handle general-purpose cutting but depending on the material, one type may work better than the other.

2. Advantages of Electric Scissors

Electric scissors are a convenient, hand-held tool that makes it easy to cut through various types of materials with less effort than traditional scissors. They have a similar overall shape and size as an electric razor but feature different blade shapes and a more curved design to suit their purpose. You have the option of choosing either battery-powered or corded models, giving you the flexibility to use them however you wish. Electric scissors offer a variety of advantages compared to traditional scissors. 

a. Faster

Electric scissors can help make your sewing projects easier and faster. It's a great tool for crafters and sewists, who often have to cut a lot of material in preparation for their work. With electric scissors, you'll be able to get through your cutting tasks quickly and accurately.

b. More effortless

Traditional scissors require repetitive and strenuous hand movements that can be painful over time, and even exacerbate existing conditions like arthritis. I know from experience how uncomfortable it can get after hours of crafting and cutting fabric. Electric scissors, also known as electric shears, are a great tool for anyone who needs to cut through fabric, plastic, leather and cardboard with less strain on the hands.

c. Suitable for more material

Electric scissors are great for cutting through softer materials like fabric, paper and craft supplies. Some models even boast the ability to cut through harder materials like plastic and cardboard, as well as thin metal. Electric scissors are so powerful that they can easily cut through the toughest materials. Even leather and silk can be effortlessly cut, as well as up to 4 layers of fleece fabric.

Electric sewing scissors are incredibly helpful for people who sew or craft as they allow you to cut faster and more accurately. These electric fabric scissors are beneficial to everyone, but especially those with arthritis, muscle and joint pain, or other conditions that make it difficult to use manual scissors. The blades of these electric versions are sharper than the regular ones, allowing for a smooth cut without any jagged edges. Furthermore, using electric fabric scissors will eliminate tiredness and aches in your hands and wrists due to.

If you're looking for electric scissors, there are two main types of options. You can get corded electric scissors that need to be plugged into an outlet, or cordless electric scissors that can be used without needing an electrical connection. I personally prefer cordless electric scissors for their convenience and ease of use - you just grab them and start cutting without having to worry about getting tangled up in any cords.

Electric scissors can be a convenient tool for many projects, but one of the drawbacks is their loud motor. Every time you turn them on and use them, the buzzing sound of the motor is quite loud and disruptive. Fortunately, there are some quieter models on the market that may help to alleviate this issue.

Safety tips:

You should always be mindful of safety when it comes to scissors, particularly electric scissors. These scissors have a cutting power that comes from pressure and not from their sharp pointy ends. However, even if there is a safety cover on the blades, it is important to keep such scissors out of reach for children by purchasing ones with a locking feature for when you are not using them.

3. Advantages of Manual Scissors

Manual scissors have a variety of advantages over overpowered machines. 

a. No maintenance required

Manual scissors are a great option for those who need precision and want something that requires minimal maintenance. These scissors don't need to be plugged in or recharged, making them more reliable and ideal for certain tasks. Manual scissors can also help save time since they don’t require any setup or charging before use.

b.Cheaper and less hassle

Manual scissors are much cheaper and are incredibly convenient tools for anyone looking for a quick, easy and efficient cutting solution. They require no extra equipment or cords, making them ideal for use anywhere with minimal effort. Manual scissors are perfect for a range of tasks from trimming fabric to cutting paper quickly and accurately.

c. More accurately. 

Manual scissors are the ideal tool for detailed trimming, as they offer precise control over the exact shape and angle of your cut. They can be used to accurately trim intricate details on fabrics and paper with minimal effort. With manual scissors, you can easily create beautiful, professional-looking results quickly and reliably.

Overall, manual scissors offer a convenient and efficient way to get tasks done quickly and easily.The combination of these advantages makes manual scissors an excellent option for any project that requires precision cutting.

4. Which one should you buy? 

Electric ones offer the convenience of being able to cut paper quickly and effortlessly, with less strain on your hands and wrists. On the other hand, manual scissors give you more control over what is being cut and can be used for delicate tasks. 

Ultimately, which type of scissor you buy will depend on your purpose; if quick cutting is important, then electric might be best, while manual provides greater accuracy and precision.


The decision of whether to use manual or electric scissors is largely dependent upon the type of project you plan to work on and how often you will be using them. Manual scissors are suitable for light duties such as trimming fabric and paper, while electric scissors are better suited for larger, more precise tasks. 

Additionally, if you plan to use your scissors frequently over extended periods, then an electric model may be worth it in the long run due to their ease of use and durability.